Tag: Neuropathy
Bogdan Beirowski publishes his paper entitled “Metabolic regulator LKB1 is crucial for Schwann cell-mediated axon maintenance” in Nature Neuroscience
Congratulations Josiah for successfully defending your thesis: Molecular Studies of SARM1, an Axonal Self-Destruction Switch
Dan Summers publishes his paper on Sarm1-dependent neuronal death and mitochondrial dysfunction in J Neuroscience
Congratulations Dan! This work demonstrates that neuronal death by mitochondrial inhibition is dependent on the TLR adaptor protein Sarm1. Inhibitors of canonical programmed cell death pathways such as apoptosis, necroptosis, and parthanatos do not block neuronal death and axonal degeneration triggered by mitochondrial depolarization. These studies highlight the central role for Sarm1 in a novel […]