
Milbrandt lab postdoc publishes paper on single cell RNAseq and morphine treatment

Denis Avey, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in the Milbrandt and Mitra labs, is first author on a newly-uploaded preprint article. The paper, “Single cell RNAseq uncovers a robust transcriptional response to morphine by oligodendrocytes” can be accessed via bioRxiv. Sumithra Sankararaman, a research scientist in the Mitra lab, Aldrin K. Y. Yim, a graduate student in the Milbrandt lab, Ruteja Barve, PhD, Instructor of Genetics, Robi D. Mitra, PhD, Associate Professor of Genetics and Alvin Goldfarb Distinguished Professor of Computational Biology, and Jeffrey Milbrandt, PhD, MD, Head of the Department of Genetics, are also authors on the paper. You can access the article here.